At this site I discovered my first T-Rex bone. It was the centrum of a vertebrae. Over the following 18 months a team of experienced colleagues and I were able to uncover a total of 45 specimens from fragments to complete bones, representing about 20 different bones.
The map below shows the location of the T-Rex bones as discovered. They were clustered in one corner area of about 800 sq. ft. We continued to remove the bank back 30 feet past the last bone. Our excavation created a site platform of 2,700 sq. ft. on the narrow peninsula of mudstone and shale. We assume that other bones had eroded from the front and side faces of the mudstone bank long before I hiked by.
Orange line bone bed Took the top off Early stages T-Rex Metatarsal T-Rex Metatarsal T-Rex limb head T-Rex Vertebrae in Matrix Mid Stage T-Rex Dig Site T-Rex Femur T-Rex Femur T-Rex Femur T-Rex Femur T-Rex Dig Site Grid T-Rex Dig Site Grid T-Rex Dig Site platform Mapping T-Rex Site T-Rex Dig Site Grid T-Rex Ischium T-Rex Ischium T-Rex Ischium T-Rex Ischium T-Rex Tibia T-Rex Tibia T-Rex Tibia Colleagues at Site Colleagues at Site T-Rex Ilium T-Rex Ilium in foil T-Rex Ilium in cast Casting T-Rex Ilium T-Rex Ilium Colleagues at Site Colleagues at Site T-Rex Tooth Tip Enamel Time for Jack hammer Loader at T-Rex site Loader at T-Rex site New road down to site Late stage Final Stage – The original hill is gone. Site from Satellite Site from Satellite Good Bye for Now T-Rex Country