Documentation & Site Maps
Grids When I have a multi-bone site I make traditional location grids. I always map out a site grid to normal compass lines. I had a Triceratops site that covered about about 250 sq.ft. The bones were packed in close, and my grid was comprised of small 3’x3’ sections. At my largest T-Rex site, I […]
Fossil Casting
Materials I have tried both Molding and Casting plaster in casting bone specimens in the field. The Casting plaster is a little more expensive, but it is about 50% stronger. It is also harder to remove later in the lab. The plaster I use comes in 50-80 lb. bags. I always open the bag and […]
Fossil Excavation
After you have worked on several hard excavations and then you find a new bone you may have two reactions. First there is always, “Yeah! I found another bone,” soon followed by “Uh-Oh! I found another bone,” as you contemplate all the work that could be ahead of you. Still you got to love it. […]